Curriculum Vitae

Updated April 2024

rbell09 AT uoguelph DOT ca
Department of Philosophy + Sexualities, Genders, & Social Change Program
University of Guelph<./span>

Academic Appointments

2022 - 2023 Postdoctoral Fellow, Philosophy / Preparing Future Faculty: Faculty Diversity | University of Missouri (Columbia, Missouri)
2023 - Assistant Professor, Philosophy / Sexualities, Genders, and Social Change | University of Guelph (Guelph, Ontario)

Areas of Expertise

Areas of Specialization: feminist philosophy, trans philosophy

Areas of Competence: metaethics, social epistemology, social ontology, philosophy of race


2022 Ph.D. in Philosophy
Department of Philosophy, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Dissertation Title: “Gender Norms and Gendered Traits”
2014 B.S. in Psychology and Philosophy, Magna Cum Laude
East Tennessee State University (ETSU), Johnson City, TN


“Much Ado About Nothing: Deflating ‘Gender Identity’.” With E.M. Hernandez. Forthcoming in Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy. Download preprint from PhilPapers.

“‘Just the Facts’: Thick Concepts and Hermeneutical Misfit.” In The Philosophical Quarterly. Download preprint from PhilPapers.

“Being Your Best Self: Authenticity, Morality, and Gender Norms.” In Hypatia. (open access)


Public Philosophy

Gender Together: Identity, Community, and the Politics of Sincerity.” Blog of the APA (Women In Philosophy Series).

“(Un)Radical Feminism: Gender and the Limits of Imagination.” in To Boldly Stay: Essays on the Series that "Went" Where No Trek Had Gone Before. Sherry Ginn and Michael Cornelius, eds. McFarland Books.

Alumnus Interview: Dr. Rowan Bell. East Tennessee State University, Department of Philosophy and Humanities.

Authenticity and Gender Norms with Rowan Bell. Podcast interview. Examining Ethics. Host: Christiane Wisehart.


Research In Progress

Under Review: “The Role of a Lifetime: Trans Experience and Gender Norms”

Draft: “Distorted Identities: Hermeneutical Injustice and Normative Social Roles”

In Progress: “What Is Philosophy For? ‘Sweaty Concepts’ and Methodological Conflict” (Accepted for publication in Minorities and Philosophy Edited Volume on Structural Injustice: forthcoming with Bloomsbury Academic Press)

In Progress: “The (Dis)Functions of Gender Identity”

Selected Awards and Honors

financial awards in parenthesis

Humanities Center Dissertation Fellowship (funding for one academic year)
The Center for the Humanities, Syracuse University: 2022-23. Offered and declined.

Summer Dissertation Fellowship ($4000)
The Graduate School, Syracuse University: Summer 2021

Graduate Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Work ($500)
The Graduate School, Syracuse University: Spring 2021

SWIP-Analytic Annual Graduate Student Essay Prize ($300)
Paper: “Hermeneutical Injustice and Normative Social Roles”
Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP) and the CUNY Graduate Center: Spring 2020

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
The Graduate School, Syracuse University: Spring 2020 (standing title)

Teaching Experience

MA Thesis Advisor for Olivia Grew

Instructor of Record, Department of Philosophy, University of Guelph

Winter 2024 Feminist Philosophy
Winter 2024 Current Debates in Feminist Philosophy
Fall 2023 Somatic Entanglements: Issues & Methods

Teaching Mentor, University-Wide TA Orientation, Syracuse University Graduate School, 2019-2022. Competitive position.

Instructor of Record, Department of Philosophy, Syracuse University

Spring 2022 Social & Political Philosophy
Fall 2021 Philosophy of Feminism
Spring 2021 Logic
Fall 2020 Philosophy of Feminism (hybrid)
Summer 2020 Philosophy of Feminism (online asynchronous)
Spring 2020 Human Nature
Fall 2019 Philosophy of Feminism
Summer 2019 Philosophy of Feminism (online asynchronous)

Selected Invited Talks

“The (Dis)Functions of Gender Identity.” The Deep South Neuroscience and Philosophy Group APA Panel Presentation, American Philosophical Association (APA) Eastern Meeting, New York, NY, January 2024

“Playful Resistance: Gender Norms as Games.” Queens University Trans Philosophy Colloquium Series, Queens University, Kingston, ON, January 2023

“What Is Philosophy For? Sweaty Concepts and Methodological Conflict.” East Tennessee State University Speaker Series, ETSU, Johnson City, TN, October 2022

“Inside and Out: Ascriptivism About Gendered Traits.” EQS: Early Queer Scholarship Series, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, October 2019

Selected Research Presentations

“What Is Philosophy For? Sweaty Concepts and Methodological Conflict.”  Presented at the Atlantic Regional Philosophers’ Association (ARPA) Annual Conference, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 2022

“The Role of a Lifetime: Trans Experience and Gender Norms.” Presented at:

  • Young Philosophers’ Lecture Series, Depauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, October 2022.
  • North American Society for Social Philosophy International Conference: Polarization, Reconciliation, and Community, Aston, PA, July 2022
  • APA Pacific Meeting, Vancouver, BC, April 2022

“The Trans Authenticity Paradox.” Presented at the LGBTQ+ Advocacy Committee Session, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), September 2021

“It’s Just Science: Thick Concepts and Hermeneutical Injustice.” Presented at the APA Central Meeting, virtual meeting, February 2021.

“Distorted Identities: Hermeneutical Injustice and Normative Social Roles.” Presented at the APA Eastern Meeting, virtual meeting, January 2021.

“Inside and Out: Ascriptivism about Gendered Traits.” Presented at:

  • MAPWorks (Minorities And Philosophy Spring Workshop Series), Columbia University, Manhattan, NY, April 2019.
  • SWIPShop (Society for Women in Philosophy Workshop), Baruch College, Manhattan, NY, February 2019.

“Gender and Traits.” Presented at Social Ontology 2018, Tufts University, Boston, MA, August 2018.

Grants Awarded

$2500. Engaged Humanities Grant, Syracuse University. For Syracuse University’s Philosophy Lab, a branch of the Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO).

Selected Service Positions

Co-Organizer, Canadian Society for Women in Feminism (CSWIP) and the Canadian Society for Trans Philosophy (CSTP) summer 2024 conference: “Trans/Feminist Philosophy: Pasts, Presents, and Futures”

Guest Editor for APA Studies on Feminism and Philosophy, Special Issue: Futures of Trans Philosophy

Division Co-Representative: Canadian Philosophical Association, North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP), 2023-2026

Co-Chair, Missouri University Postdoctoral Association (MUPA), 2022-2023

Invited Panelist, MAP PhD Panel, Mudd Undergraduate Ethics Conference, March 2022

President (elected), SU Philosophy Graduate Student Organization, 2020-2021

Founder and Organizer, MAP Anti-Racist Reading Group, Summer-Fall 2020 (online)

Founder and Co-Organizer, Syracuse-Queens Social Metaphysics Group, 2020-present (online)

Organizer, SU Philosophy Women & Gender Minorities Group, 2018-2020

Co-Organizer, MANCEPT Workshop, “What Is Gender? Vol. II”, September 2021 (online)

Lead Organizer, MANCEPT Workshop, “What Is Gender? Vol. III”, September 2022 (Manchester, UK)


Dr. Samantha Brennan, Dean of the College of Arts
University of Guelph

Dr. Don Dedrick, Associate Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department
University of Guelph

Dr. Katharine Jenkins, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy
University of Glasgow 

Dr. Hille Paakkunainen, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Philosophy
Syracuse University

Dr. Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
Syracuse University